4 Ways to Cleanse your Daily Routine

This time of year is the perfect chance to step back and strip back. By switching the script and encouraging yourself to cut habits, instead of creating new ones (new year resolutions anyone?), not only can you feel more well within yourself, but you’ll also regain some of your precious time.
We're not telling you to ditch your daily meditation, of course! What we're suggesting is that you let go of the habits that aren’t serving you. There are probably a few more than you think…
Impulse scrolling
Facebook has said that the average attention span for videos on the platform is just 2 seconds. And with algorithms everywhere that feed this constant dopamine-seeking cycle, it’s no surprise that many of us are reaching for our phones more than ever before.
It’s time to remove temptation, for the sake of your mental health. Whilst trying to focus on a task (including your much-deserved relaxation time!) simply remove your tech from the room. Or, if you’re still tempted, invest in a lockable box. Build up your phone-free time, starting with 10 minutes and adding 5 minutes each day until you’re happy
Separate dinner times
According to a study by Carnegie Mellon University, people that spend time with family find healthier ways to cope with stress. So, whilst the temptation to all do your own thing is strong in this modern world of ours, don’t forget just how important connection is. As a first step towards more family time, implement a “dinner together” rule: At least 5 days a week all mealtimes will be spent as a family. You’ll be amazed at what just 30 minutes of connectedness can do.
Letting your “office hours” slip
We're all guilty of this from time to time, but being strict with your “office hours” is so important. If you allow yourself to continue on into the evening, the lines between work and relaxation will become blurred. And not in a good way: You’re likely to carry any tension and overwhelm into the evening.
To ensure that you fully switch off, implement an end-of-day routine. Having a few rituals (and we're all about rituals) that signal to your brain that it’s time to unwind will help you to kick the overworking habit. Cultivate steps that feel right to you, but it could include things like switching off your phone, logging off emails, enjoying a soothing shower and lighting a calming candle. KICKBACK is the perfect choice here - the fragrance is designed to promote a sense of calm, create a sense of grounding, and soothe and mellow.
Working non-stop
A lunch break simply won’t cut it.
Your eyes and your brain deserve more of a reset than that, don’t you think? Instead of piling more onto your to-do list, ensure that you give yourself brain breaks. This can be as short as a few seconds looking out of the window. Or it could be something longer like enjoying a cup of coffee.
Set reminders if you think it will help you.