Enjoy our Candles: Worry Free

When we say our candles are clean, we mean it. It was a core principle of our design that anything we put into the candle was non-toxic. The natural wax blend was a no-brainer. But what about the fragrance?
Fragrance is such a critical element of the candle; we knew we had to get it right. When we looked in to the options, we were surprised to realise that many candle brands continue to use fragrance and perfume oils that are packed full of toxins. We knew we could (and should) do better.
We searched far and wide to find not only the right fragrance house to develop our blends, but also to make sure our blends explicitly excluded certain ingredients, so you can enjoy them worry free. We just think there are some things that should not be in a candle – and these days there is no excuse to include them.
That’s why we don’t allow any of these ingredients in our fragrances or candles:
Acetone, Acetaldehyde, Acetonitrile, Animal Fats, Oils and Musks, Benzene, Benzalkonium Chloride, Bisphenol A(BPA), Butoxyethanol, Coal Tar, Ethyl Acetate, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid, Formaldehyde, Hydroquinone, Lead, Methyl Cellosolve, Methylene Chloride, Methylisothiazolinone/ Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Mercury and Mercury Compounds (Thimerosal), Mineral Oil, Oxybenzone, Palm Oil, Parabens, Paraffin, Petroleum, Phthalates, Polyacrylamide/Acrylamide, PTFE/PFOA, Resorcinol, Styrene, Sulphates SLS and SLES, Synthetic Dyes, Toluene.
We also do not enhance the scent of our candles with chemical boosters and our candles and their ingredients are not tested on animals and are cruelty free.
Enjoy … (worry free!)